14 Δεκεμβρίου 2023

The Oedipus, Cosmogony and the Alien

"Who speaks? It is a speech that produces a subject with the sole purpose of finding out where this speech comes from, and when all is said and done, recognise it as his own voice by finding himself causing this speech at the place of desire."
Angelos Tsialides, The Oedipus, Cosmogony and the Alien

Lacan, in interpreting Freud, went beyond the part of psychological observation of the Oedipus Complex, i.e. the behavioural image given by the script of the myth, where it is reduced to a phase of human development observed around the age of four. Through Lacan, we encounter a metapsychological structure motivating this scenario, whereby we are not dealing with gender relations that guide it but rather whereby gender emerges through this very process. And because we are no longer talking about a boy or a girl but about a subject of λογος, we locate an unconscious desire coming from parents that leads the subject through this process that is nothing but a Cosmogony.

This book comprises the script of the seminar given at Birkbeck University, on 23rd November 2019, for the School of the Freudian Letter, based on which the book Κοσμογονία: Σεμινάριο στο Οιδιπόδειο Σύμπλεγμα was written.

It addresses all people interested in psychoanalysis or in the Oedipus complex and requires no previous knowledge in order to be read.

The Oedipus, Cosmogony and the Alien

is available here